Traveling Souls
(To all reading. Shadow's post and mine were on AIM.)

nnnghh..." Insomnia yawned and nuzzled into her loves neck. They had been walking for days, traveling about souls', meeting others and getting supplies. She had a couple of pelts on her that shadow
----had put on her and she smiled lightly still half asleep. [/b]"Shadow....where are we now...?"

She placed her head on his shoulder and licked his cheek. "Why would I ever leave you butt. You'd get hurt without me." She giggled at him getting hurt my a turtle or even a bunny. She was grinning and waking up more, her ears perked to listen for anything that could be coming, like a turtle. She slowly climb off of Shadow and sat on the ground. [b] "I hope you have enough food....I'm kinda getting hungry."

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