Home is where my family is

| +510

After the few moments of sending his gaze around at the land around them and at his family before him that Temo took while they took a few moments rest before they made their presence known to the pack and make their request for admittance into the pack. He was still a bit sad about having to move even though it was necessary. It was a mood that had plagued the family during the trip to a new home and a pack that would accept them in.

Although he had reservations about the unknown and was worried that after the long trek to find a new home that they would be turned away. What would they do then? He was not sure and hoped for his family's safety and well being, that this pack would accept them onto their lands and into their family. He buried his emotions deep inside and with his usual deadpan face, he kept his worries to himself so as not to upset the pups any more than they already were.

Temo busied himself with his usual going over the carts and harnesses in the off chance that they were turned away and had to continue on elsewhere to find a new home. His attention moved from the task that he had put himself at to Keldava who seemed the happiest of the four children. It warmed his heart that at least one was happy and he hoped that it would transmit to the others. In an effort to help that along, he ruffled the fur on Dalgina's head with his hand and smiled at her as Jace called out to whomever would listen to their plea.

His quiet voice followed the echos of Jaces as he told his children, "It will be ok, a new home, a new beginning, new friends." He hoped he was right in this for the sake and well being of his pups and mate. It was after these thoughts that it was not long for someone to show up in answer to Jace's call. And not long after that another answered.

It was Temo's introverted personality that kept him quiet while Jace conversed with the welcoming committee. He was not that surprised that she knew the first one that had arrived as she gets out and meets others more than he does. It warmed his heart that their journey was about over when they were accepted into, what is for them, a new pack. He hoped that they will prove themselves worthy to be part of it.

It was with great relief as the words of the leader accepting them into the pack sank in. It was his hope that they would fit in, especially his children. For a moment, he pondered the question that was posed before them, Temo replied, I am but a simple carpenter and have some knowledge in the human wooden structures and the repair and rebuilding of those structures. He paused a moment as he thought I am also expanding that knowledge of wood into carving and rebuilding furniture.

Temo Wolfe

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