Meet the monster
Thana was still pissed off at Shadow. She wished she had taken her blade to him, give him something to make him remember what he did to her. Heartbroken, she hardened her heart, making it impossible for anyone to affect her the way he had. She would skin him alive if she ever saw him again.

She traveled around with no actual destination. Thana’s ears perked up as she heard something. She brought Abbadon to a stop and slid off of his back. Quietly, she pulled out her daggers but sheathed them when a whitetail deer came into view. It had such a beautiful pelt and Thana wanted it. She stayed downwind and snuck up on it. Getting closer, and closer until she leaped at it, jumping onto its back. Quickly, she grabbed its head and gave a sharp twist, breaking the doe’s neck. She pulled out one of her daggers and expertly skinned it, finishing the job quickly. She put the pelt in the saddle bag for her to finish up later and began cutting the deer’s flesh into chunks that were easier to carry.

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