Meet the monster
Shadow stopped as he looked over his shoulder to Hadley. Shadow saw the fear and knew what it was right away. Shadow turned and ran back over to Hadley and he kneeled down and placed his hand on Hadleys shoulder. Hadley its alright, I'm here. You have no reason to fear Thana would not kill you. You just caught her off guard like that one time long ago when you got the jump on me remember. I had turned and snarled at you and you thought then you were going to die but look at us now. We are friends and you know I wouldn't harm you . shadow looked to Thana and motioned to Hadley with eyes that spoke of Hadley having a hard life. He mouthed silent words knowing Thana would be able to read his lips. Shadow spoke of how Hadley had been a slave by a wolf female assassin named Amy and please try and ease his worry.

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