A New Beginning
The pup had been starting to feel ok with their new home. She didn't know what else it held but she was dying to find out. While her Mahn's back was turned she noticed her father leave. The girl followed with a slight hop in her step. What's he up to? she thought more interested in his duties than her siblings. She hid behind things as she followed her father and held in a giggle as she watched him struggle with the door. When he entered she a slinked around to a window and climbed a barrel to boost herself to see.

She allowed a giggle as her father sneezed and realized he was headed for the window. She hopped down and hid beneath the windowsill her tail wagging at her game. When he left the window she crept back up on the barrel and watched wondering what she could do to make her father smile. Then as she breathed in the dust filled her nose forcing her to sneeze with a gigantic force. The barrel top buckled beneath her weight and with a crack, rattle and thump she was sprawled in the grass tangled in metal ties and wood. She was so surprised she didn't say a word nor make a sound other than the yelp from her initial fall.

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