but you're so delicious (to me).
http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk42 ... _05bot.jpg) no-repeat bottom; padding-top: 0px;">

Arachnea's Revenge was just a hop skip and a jump away from his new home, Esper Hollow, so he was not winded as he entered the territory from the southwest. Zephyr did not know how well he would fare being in a pack again, but figured that those kinds of things took time. He would get used to being around the others eventually. So far he had not had any problems with them, but he had not made any friends there either.

There wasn't anything really special or notable that he could see about this place, just more and more forest, so he let himself slip into a light sort of daze, watching the leaf-littered path before him as he walked. In fact, he really hadn't been getting a lot of sleep lately. If he didn't find anything worth looking at, then he'd take a nap.


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