out of control
.: OOC :. OOC.

Umber eyes peered into the darkness of her den as she spoke, and even though she came to the entrance to talk to him, his focus was there. Something was amiss; why was she hear? She had abandoned this den when Timori had come along, so why was she back? This was a place of comfort to her, a place where in the past she had been alone. She had come here to be alone for some reason. But before he could think on it more, his heart tore his attention back to her.

He could drown in her eyes, those deep lavender pools framed in dark lashes. Her orange fur was beginning to reappear; he was glad of that. She was asking him how he was, a silly and strangely formal question, so he ignored it, instead, sliding a dark gloved hand onto her ginger cheek and drawing her in for a coyote kiss. He held it for a moment before sliding his muzzle along hers to lick her cheek, Zana, what’s wrong? He asked, surprised that he had even done so. But he could sense that something was off, and he needed to know why.

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.: WC :: 197 :.

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