Bloody Payment
Amy Sunders

Word Count → 000 :: Out of Character text.

Amy smiled gently as a dog she recognized rode up. Wayne. She had met him when working through a town that she'd seen. The reminder of the fact that soon the fruit would be open brought a smile to her face. Her merchandise was spreading, coming to life with the world around it. The blunt call did surprise her, since they had left on good terms. I'm here to trade. Also need to talk to Sebastian about a previous sale.

Speaking of which, she saw the classy wolf sauntering over. His gaze was cooler than she would have expected from someone that was willing to buy a slave from her. Her expression didn't show the surprise, remaining as untouched as before they had arrived. Hopefully Dhiate would be able to stand firm against this. Dhiate is not for sale. He never will be. Selling him off was the last thing on her mind. He belonged to her. I'm actually here about Hadley. Apparently my product has been misbehaving. Wandering off on his own. Sleeping with others, and not having the courtesy to remain afterwards, acting quite rudely. Are you aware of this?

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