Don't you remember
[html] Wink

Alder had learned in the recent past that forgiveness was an action, a feeling, and a release. It had not given anything to the pack that had stolen his mother, who had attacked his friends and then his own pack. AniWaya received nothing from Alder, for their lives would spin and move along with the world’s cycle no matter what a single meek and unsure wolf could do. But it had given him plenty. It had freed him from emotions that had tormented him, a plague of resentment that did not belong to his heart and marred him to the core. But he had given it all back when he forgave them, and he knew how uplifting and free he felt by the action. It had not been easy, but now he wondered why he had hated them for much longer then necessary.

He felt the tension lift from the space between he and the she wolf when she accepted the idea, even if she did not believe it as a truth she did not throw it back into the masked face of the Courtier.

The smile that had seated itself on his face only grew as he watched the woman touch Hawthorn’s nose. It was not a grand petting, and regardless the horse melted from the bit of attention and he would not push her for any more. But when he searched for a reply regarding the meal that they may be able to share her demeanor changed. Alder was an observant creature and he read a confusing look on her face. He did not understand what had been said, what he had done to cause her to become a bit upset. The tree named wolf stood still, unsure of what to say as she spoke slowly.

Colibri looked uneasy, her words coming forth to speak the honored name he held dear. Alder nodded, and then spoke softly. She is. His mother had never hurt another creature, she was incapable of doing so and the reaction was unlike anything that he had ever encountered in regards to Anu. Miss, are you okay? He asked, wondering if perhaps they should stop to allow her to rest. A concerned and confused look settled into his features, but he still wished to help if he could.


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