Spring Cleaning

OOC WC:: 573

Voices reached his black rimmed ears, but he could not quite make out the words. Some obscure divinity was looking out for the coy wolf today, surely, for had the male heard he would not have hesitated to throw the man down by his scruff, reprimanding him in silence with but the weight of his fangs on his flesh. Augustus was selfish, indeed, and Ciara was his mate, things such as these would not be tolerated. But the confrontation did not come to fruitition, for the man had only just reached wind of their words and scent, although what his nostrils sensed set him a little on edge. It was a male’s scent, and with a more thorough sniff he recognized the Omega. He proceeded at a swifter pace, and more warily. A strange hunk of metal and scrap greeted him first, then the golden tones of his mate, then…What he saw then did not please him.

The Omega was perched so very casually atop the monstrosity’s roof, looking down on his mate. Augustus slowed his pace and raised both ears and tail. His pelt bristled as well, and he gazed up. He did not let his unease at the human structure show, and it was ignored by even himself as he focused upon the scarred Omega. His eyes turned to his mate and he stepped swiftly to her side, nuzzling her absently, though his full attention was still focused on the coy wolf. Do I need to teach you your place, Omega? Or will you climb down from there? His challenge was open, and a growl laced his vocals, but he was not truly enraged, not yet. He decided to be merciful today, to give him a chance to correct himself. He was not terribly surprised that his mate did not ask him the same, for she had a better heart than he, but he sensed a slight tremor of unease about her. This did not upset him overmuch, for any wolf would be tense when one of a lower rank dare stand above them.

His ears swiveled to focus on her movements, while his eyes were burning into the strangely adorned man. His mane was a strange shag cut at the sides. He looked more ragged than ever. It reminded him of his young pack brother Jiva’s mane, although it was even more pronounced. Either way, he did not like it. But he rarely liked anything about his more advanced brothers. They were too complex, shades of grey when things were meant to be seen in black and white. It occurred to him that this was the very same wolf who’d led Blind to her death. He would not forget that. He’d been infatuated with her once, but as time passed and she did not show, his interest waned. He’d been drawn to the promise of his newest pack-sister, who’d hunted by his side, showing him not only that she was strong, but obedient, and determined. He found he thought of Blind less and less. She was a beauty, but Ciara had far more to offer. Even now he was worried he would hurt her, with Blind he was certain to. Cerberus should have known better than to take her along. Had she really wished to hunt Augustus could have taken her. With him she would have at least been safe. His eyes narrowed on the man, eagerly awaiting his reply.

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