From start to finish...I cover it all
Today was just another normal day for Fayne as she sprinted over the land at an alarming pace. She was a dainty light weight wolf, her body structure gave her great speed and took advantage of it. As she ran the wind pushed back her fur forcefully, her body was streamlined and smooth. Her tongue hung out of her mouth happily as she ran and her long busy tail flew behind her rippling in the wind. The level of energy she exerted daily was high as she was just happy to be here with her new family. Not only that, but she'd been avoiding getting to know the new members of her pack. The only reasons being that she missed her brothers and sisters, constantly thinking about them at all hours of the day. That, and she found it hard to open up to the members of New Dawn. Things were different here, people were different and she was still getting used to it. The young wolf slowed to a halt throwing her crown back to sniff the cool air. Many scents wafted into her nostrils, one being a rabbit. She also smelt something else. A male wolf, his scent unfamiliar. Her ears twitched as she recognized him as a New Dawn member. A huff of discontent escaped her lips as she realized now was the time she had to start getting to know people if she ever wanted to become an important part of this pack. The fae stood there for a few minutes having a mental battle with herself. She gave herself a mental kick in the ass and strode off into the male's direction.

Soon, she could see him in the distance crouched in attack position. A rabbit aloofly gnawing on fresh grass not too far away from where he stood. The she-wolf raised her brow when she noticed something rather odd about this grey wolf. One of his legs was missing, or so it seemed to look like it from where she stood. Her head tilted to the right, her ears flopping with the sudden movement. She eyed him as he prepared himself to make there kill, though she wondered how he would accomplish that with only three legs. She'd never seen anything like it. Fayne sat her silvery rump on the floor and observed him from afar, letting her curiosity get the best of her as usual. He took off and within a matter of seconds the rabbit was dead. He had no trouble reaching the rabbit and killed it just as easily. A small nearly inaudible whimper escaped her jaws. She only wished she could hunt like that, she was envious of his skill. She could barely hunt with all four of her legs. She was a clumsy wolf and the her prey usually escaped her. Despite her speed, her accuracy was poor leading her to miss the finishing blow on small game. Fayne rolled her head back playfully and refocused on the male wolf in front of her.

The wolf was now hunched over his prey ready to rip the morsel to shreds. Fayne continued on her way over to meet the other silvery wolf, whoever much she dreaded doing so. She walked up only a few feet away relaxing from her inherently tall and proud posture not knowing who this stranger was. Without thinking she spoke, her voice was soft and kind as usual. "That was a great catch. That rabbit didn't stand a chance." A large grin spread across her face, though it seemed forced. She was generally a shy wolf, but she was trying to change that. Her tail gently swayed behind her as she waited for a response from the tough looking male. He was the same color as her, but lighter. Three legs just as she had seen. One of his eyes was a pretty shade of blue and the other a duller blue. He looked like he'd been in many fights for part of his left ear was missing and he had a large predominant scar on right shoulder. In spite of his roughed up appearance Fayne's blue-green orbs remained soft and kind.

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