Welcome to Wonderland

Word Count :: 321


Normal, it was a term Kiara had stopped using to describe herself months ago. Normal in the arctic was strange and unusual in Nova Scotia. In the world of the shifters, normal was walking on two legs and living in a house. Kiara had come to accept that reality, even if she sometimes felt uncomfortable because of it. Even so, her tail wagged happily and here smile was bright and cheery. To meet another wolf like her, it had been so long. The arctic female laughed a little at his comment. The luperci were strange, weren't they? "Your going to quickly find out that normal here isn't what you think it is. Your the first uninfected wolf I have seen in two months. Although I understand how you feel. Don't worry the luperci are nice...well, most of them." Kiara couldn't help but think of Amy and Rojo...and Noah for that matter. It took all of her self control not to shudder.

When Tharin nuzzled her gently, Kiara was immediate in her response. Her black nose pressed against his cheek and a happy whine emerged. For one reason or another, she didn't find the contact weird or strange. He wasn't a member for her pack, he wasn't her family. He was a total stranger, yet she found herself reacting to his contact positively. Kiara needed to get out more often. One the silver male had retrieved her precious meat he returned to her side and they nuzzled each other again. Once promoted, Kiara quickly took the lead. They weren't far from her den, but it would still be a good long walk. Kiara trotted happily through the mountain until she reached the boarder of Ichika. The white wolf paused and turned to look at her companion. Visitors in Ichika were allowed in so long as they were escorted, but Kiara knew it could be a little intimidating to enter into claimed territory.

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