Call for Trade
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Frodo decided he didn't like this girl, this Amy. In fact, he more than disliked her. She spoke cruelly, and her words sickened him, but eventually she let the slave go. But she didn't let him go. He was still a prisoner. He was still a slave. Just a slave with a life. But slavery was no life. Didn't she see that? Did this woman have no heart? Frodo wanted to string the bow at her, right then and there, and he was almost planning to as well, yet he knew he wouldn't exactly be praised for killing someone. And she'd more than likely find a way to make the slave's life hell, if Frodo didn't succeed. He didn't need that happening.

Ugh. Frodo replied simply, giving her the evils from afar as she got back on the cart, tugging her slave behind her. He gave her one last look, and glanced at the slave, worry and sympathy clear in his gaze. He wasn't just going to let her get away with this... Lemmie at leas' check on 'im... Frodo muttered, walking over to the slave. He lay a hand on Roath's shoulder, biting his tongue inside his muzzle for fear of giving anything away. And then he attempted to take the slaves hand in his own. And what he did next was completely concealed. Without giving anything away, he slipped a peace of long, thin metal into Roath's hand. He pressed the item into the paw pad, closed Roaths fingers around it, and then took a step back. Hopefully, the slave would know what it was for. Personally Frodo had picked plenty of locks in his time at Halifax, but would Roath be able to pick the locks on his chains? If not that, at least he'd perhaps be able to stab at Amy in her sleep. Giving the slave a last pained look - and Amy a fierce one - Frodo stepped back and mounted his horse again, kicking on to AniWaya. There'd be much to discuss back at home.

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