From start to finish...I cover it all


The silver male wasted very little time eating the half of the rabbit that he was left with after the warm hearted share he had offered up to the beautiful female that stood with in a short distances to the rough silver colored male. He stood up to his full height, which really was nothing special. He was neither tall, nor short. His height was average, a very boring average. His father and grandfather (whom he had never met) had towards over him by many inches. The Sawtooth subord male licked the blood off his maw as he looked at the lady near him as he walked over towards her, brining the gap between the two of them a more friendly and civil manner. The silver male dipped his head and brought it back up, to look at the female in front of him.

She seemed to be a kind soul under that fur coat of hers that was something that Noah had once had, and then somewhere along that line he lost it. He was once a passive, tender hearted soul that would never dream of turning a shoulder to anyone, now…the male was bitter, cold, distance and would have no issues picking a fight, or saying something rude and or mean. Though he wanted to be nice to the lady, she was nothing but nice to him so far. The silver brute knew he could and should work on his social skill for the sake of the pack, and for the sake of those who where kind to him. ”Noah, Noah Sawtooth. I’ve been here for a short while.” He explained as he thought about the length of time that he had been with these lands, sad to think about it that he was one of the first few members that joined this pack lands, he had only changed ranks once and that was down to a rank of shame. ”Suppose your right. It’s an honor to meet such a sweet wolf with a personality to match.” Noah spoke ever so boldly to her.

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