[M] I don't really care
Continuing his trek after meeting the handsome Frodo, Sebastian headed southeast. Towards the sea. Well, every way was towards the sea on the peninsula where so many wolves had chosen to make their homes. But the south coast... He'd only ever been there once before, and never the eastern part. He was curious, very curious, needlessly curious about the strip of land he had never seen before. The unquenchable curiosity drove him like an itch, forcing him to wander like a lost balloon over to the southern coast.

It wasn't long before he lost himself in yet another forest. One filled with thick, tall oaks, perfect for climbing and possible habitats for squirrels. One where sunlight filtered down from the trees, dappling the artisan's fur brighter and making him stand out like a bloodstain on snow. Sometimes he wished his fur was plainer. It could be a real bitch to hunt when it was virtually impossible to blend in without slathering yourself in mud.

The scent of blood drew him to the unknown wolf. The scent of a bloody rabbit, not unlike the one he had devoured yesterday. He was always up for meeting another member of his kind, particularly a male member. As he drew closer, he could smell the masculine musk on the quiet breeze. The acrobat deliberately licked his lips, more for his own amusement than anything else.

The sound of a strummed guitar reached the Italian's silky, reddish-black ears as he silently padded closer to his prize. Once he was directly behind the tree that his prey was sitting against, the mischievous artisan quietly placed his gear on the ground and scaled the tree with his claws digging into the bark. Almost like a lizard, he quietly scurried around the side of the tree, straining to step silently on each branch so as not to alert the guitarist. Once he was on a branch above the unknown male, the lean archer dropped down in front of the ginger male with a smirk on his face. He landed on his feet, straight as a pencil, apparently unfazed by the teen-feet fall.

Salute, sir," Sebastian purred invitingly, his molten orange eyes unashamedly dropping below the male's waist as he ran his supple, salmon-pink tongue across his chops.

"What's a guy like you doing out here?" he asked breezily, as though he spent all his time dropping out of trees and harassing handsome strangers.

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