[M] I don't really care


The Lykoi glanced frustratingly to the guitar laying on the ground, the little precious roll he wished to hold so perfectly in his two fingers. To breathe in that special aroma, and feel so uplifted! He still didn't know the name of the handsome stranger, and for some strange reason found it rather frustrating. Not that it showed upon his orange splashed face. A small half smile spread across his face. He explained that he was dropping out of trees for the fun of it, and Jacinto simply shook his head teasingly. "And say...That you ended up falling on me, how would you deal with that?" The grace already seen proved that it likely wouldn't happen. A dark tipped tail waved slowly behind the hybrid, taking even the slightest of moments to glance at the red male's body.

Fiery orange eyes were dancing with delight as the Italian mentioned wine, it had been so long! All the confident man could muster in his joy was a simple "That'll be delightful..." The last time he had actually had wine was with Omni...And it was a while ago. They had ended up spending time in very passionate moments, he couldn't let that happen tonight though...With him? Jacinto had never had a gender preference. In the past he had found some men attractive and had never told his family. Yet it was Omni that held him down and kept him sane. Keeping the hybrid from jumping and moving thing.

The man gestured towards the guitar, inquiring about the joint kept safe inside. "It's a joint...Makes you feel really good...I don't mind sharing." Quick fingers fished it from the hollow of the instrument, holding it out towards towards the reddish man to inspect. "Problem is...I can't light the damn thing...Got a lighter or something?" Lean arms crossed, enclosing the cigarette in his light palm. "Why dontcha tell me your name?"

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