I want to have faith to put away the dagger


Ithiel is by Raze!

His Aquila's answer was surprising to Ithiel. Did Ezekiel not consider these madmen, then? Ithiel certainly did. He thought he knew their origin, though he did not know why they had come quite so far. There was no reason for a contingent of warriors, supposing there was a contingent (which Ithiel suspected was the truth), to follow himself and his brother, lowly scouts and warriors. Kastra -- maybe. And, perhaps, too -- he misrepresented his father's importance, and how the wolves near Scintilla might view progeny of such as Gabriel de le Poer.

The dusky-furred coyote watched the other man with his substance, a faint sense of distaste falling over Ithiel. Smoke lead to weakness, and was itself a weakness. It was this distraction which caused Ithiel to overlook his Aquila's accusation, silent and implied as it was, and answer the man's question forthright. I came looking for my father. He was -- and is still -- needed out west. I stay, hoping he returns, but I serve Inferni loyally in the meantime, he answered, momentarily perplexed.

Then, the gears in his mind churned slowly, and he understood. For once, he was quick to speak, adding to what he'd already said. That loyalty cannot be questioned, he said, remarkably evenly for one defending his very honor. Maybe you do not understand what our father meant to us, back west. He has the same meaning to the wolves he burned out. This was his place, too, before Scintilla, and Inferni is no secret. My mother helped with that.

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