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Word Count :: 344 :: Alpha in the hizzouse

Spring! Finally! What a beautiful spring day it was beginning to become, and Zalen was enjoying lying on the mound outside the den sunning his ebony fur. He was splayed out, all gangly Luperci arms and legs, and was enjoying a wonderful doze when his ear flicked at the sound of pad-falls. Usually he would have ignored it, for the comings and goings of his pack-mates did not concern him at times. But still, Zalen opened up one light olive eyes to watch as his newest Epsilon, Shadowfang, went trotting off towards the river. Now awake, Zalen propped himself up on his elbows and stretched his long legs out behind him before getting onto all fours and trotting in the same direction. A cool drink sounded nice.

The small stream was not too far away from the den, so it did not take long for Zalen to realize that it was not just Shadow congregated there, but a couple others. Noah, and the scent of the newest male, Tharin, whom Zalen had not yet met. The Alpha slowed to a casual walk as a he came up to the scene, just as Shadow was telling Noah there was ‘no need for that’. Zalen’s eyes flickered between the three males; Shadowfang, dominant and relaxed; Noah, irritated as he always seemed to be, and the new member, Tharin, puffed up and looking quite put-off. What was going on here?

Shadow seemed to have it under control, but it was an interesting scene nonetheless. Zalen paused then, and suddenly flopped down in the grass under a tree, resting all his weight on his thigh and one locked arm. The other arm rested lazily against his hip, and he began panting, squinting his eyes and seemingly looking away from the group. He took on the visage of complete complacent reverie, but in truth he was watching them to see how they would act. He did this from time to time; sometimes the best way to know someone was not to interact with them at all, but instead, observe.

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