she on the rocks sighed every day

ooc. :3 rawr

Unlike the quiet of the beach a few miles away Pia was currently visiting Toby was in a full sprint. Butt-naked, aside from his ebony fur, and cheering for himself as he sprinted down one of the docks that hadn't been occupied by too many boats. As he jumped, high as he could manage, a howl of excitement came from his mouth and he let himself fall into the deep salty waves of the coast. The ocean! A wonder in this world like no other! Turning down, he swam through the middle of the water just under the waves of the surface. He liked water, he had decided. It was something Fang would probably never attempt and something to get his mind away from others.

Especially if the others were apart of him he never understood. With Fang's recent problem hovering in his mind as leftovers for Toby to rustle with the german-shepherd had been stressing. He'd walked a whole three miles and into the city until he had reached the shore trying to figure a reason behind Fang's issue with the one girl. Who was the girl anyways? What business did Fang have feeling guilty for raping her? Wasn't she just like the others?

Deciding to put it out of his mind, he'd stripped and sent himself into the blanket of salt water. Now he was here, resurfacing for some air as he powerfully stroked through the sea. The salt stung his eyes but he didn't seem to mind as he moved back into the shallows and crawled into the warm sand. It was here that he would lay until the voice caught his attention. A song. A sweet mutter cut short. Who had produced it? Turning his head toward the noise and sitting up in the sand he was able to see the woman and her horse not very far away at all. She hadn't seem him yet though, and so he would have to introduce himself.

After a short trip he was able to call over the breeze. Evening, ma'am. Would you like some company?" Toby was friendly, that was for sure, and the beach was doing far to good of a job to make him worry about relationships and Fang. This time he'd just be happy and friendly and hopefully Fang wouldn't bother her if he ever got the chance.

I will not fall, I will not fade.
I will take your breath away!
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Toby Table by Raze.

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