Spring Fever
he be a stalkerrr +380

The Haskel boy enjoyed his shifted forms—the height and hands of optime, the speed and strength of secui—but he was never one to forget his roots. He loved running in his old shape just as much as the new. It was more natural, as the natural ways still called to the youth who called himself Prince. And it had its advantages, being the most comfortable, allowing him to endure over long distances without worrying about stumbling or being too big to fit places.

Large pale paws stepped comfortably over twigs and dead leaves, wet nose lifted to the wind that ghosted softly through the trees. He remembered when these woods used to frighten him, and the scar on his nose remembered the bobcat he’d faced off against months past. He’d probably be the one to chase off the feline if they ever met again.

Skoll cantered through the thick forest for a while, but time didn’t mean very much to him unless it fell to darkness. His tireless energy was that of a strong adolescent instead of a hyper pup, and he was hardly even breathing heavier than usual when he slowed to a stop. He’d gone farther north than he ever had alone, though if his mental map was correct, Cercatori d’Arte would be at his left shoulder. He recognized some landmarks from the trip with Terra—a crooked lightning-charred tree here, deadfall damming a stream there.

A scent reached him, causing his ears to stand to attention. His tail waved excitedly behind him, near curling over his back. It seemed that there was another puppy in the area, although this one didn’t smell all alone like Kace had been before he’d taken her in. Still, it wouldn’t do for a young cub to be out in the woods all alone where a bear could eat them. Pretending for a moment he was a hero like Anatole, he stamped through the leaflitter in pursuit of the smell.

He saw her then: busily sniffing, golden and black, and much much larger than he’d expected from her youthful smell. It was like the opposite of Kace, who acted big while she was really small. His tongue lolled at last as he followed her, not bothering to quiet his footfalls.

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