Bitter Moments
Fayne's breathing was still fast, the panic was slow to subside as well as the horror from her dream. It had felt so real, like she had actually been there looking into the eyes of her old pack mate. She was grief stricken by the thought of him turning into one of those monsters. His whole personality taking a complete 360 with the acceptance of the virus. Her soft whisper like whimpers continued. At least her trembling was subsiding as she realized that what had happened was nothing but a nightmare. She closed her eyes and took another deep breath, the cool air running through through hew nose and down her esophagus. Her head shook back and forth slowly as she tried desperately to rid herself of the thoughts, focusing on all the good things that had been happening. Deep in thought, she was completely unaware of Tharin as he approached her from behind. When his body touched hers and he spoke she reacted violently still feeling the need to defend herself from the blood thirsty Luperci in her night terror. She jumped back and turned around at the same time, lowering herself herself into a defensive stance. A blood curdling snarl rippled her jaws, her hackles rising with the action. The moment her eyes met Tharin's her expression softened, her eyes became apologetic and ashamed of her reaction. She moved towards him slowly and pressed the topside of skull against his chest, his presence immediately calmed and comforted her. Tharin...I thought you were someone else. I'm sorry. Her voice was warm and inviting.

She could feel the trembling come to a halt when her head came in contact with his warm body. The numbness she had felt where Rowan struck her in the nightmare had disappeared and that she was grateful for. She stepped back and looked into his eyes, her face still riddled with fright and sadness. Part of her was sad that it wasn't Rowan standing before her, she wished she could see him again as the wolf she remembered. But, the other part was intensely happy to see a friendly face at a time like this. She suddenly realized that he was standing in New Dawn territory, this meant that he'd unknowingly decided to join the same pack that she had. A burst of excitement flowed through her and a small smile creased her lips. You decided to join New Dawn! I'm so glad. She told him, the happiness evident in her voice. Her tail swayed behind her contently, the thoughts from her dreams seemed to dissipate with her sudden realization. At least for the moment.

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