Bloody Payment
Dhiate, the girl-man, apparently wasn't for sale. The question was whether or not he wanted to be freed. Sebastian squinted at the white, willowy male for several moments before his attention returned to the blonde hybrid. Apparently, she was here about Hadley.


It was none of her business what Hadley did! If he had done what Amy said, which the foxy artisan doubted, it mattered none. He could have slept with an entire pack and not returned any of their calls for all Sebastian cared. Misbehaving, hmph. He'd probably just been having a party. Sebastian eyeballed the slightly taller white male suspiciously. What possible purpose did he serve here if Amy had no intent to sell him?

Wayne seemed rightly pissed off. He looked fairly intimidating atop the horse, snarling at the blond woman and spitting out his contempt. Sebastian watched impassively, silently agreeing with every word. He could even see the handsome giant Lorenzo approaching from a distance, a savage-looking mace hanging at his hip. A shame that he'd found some female to swoon over.

As Wayne finished his tirade, Sebastian took a step forward.

"I was unaware that he hadn't been staying after he'd slept with someone, but I honestly don't care. What Hadley has or has not done matters little. I gave him freedom to travel as he pleased. Unless you have a personal, valid complaint against him, there is no reason for any punishment to be given at all." Sebastian's eyes flashed. "If there is some reason he should be punished, I'm sure we could pass a message on to our leaders. I'm afraid I have no reason to punish Hadley." Sebastian took a step back and looked at Amy coolly, calm and composed. Perhaps if she hung around for long enough, Wayne would trample her.

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