[m][dnd]I Can Feel Your Fever, Taking Over

OOC Sorry my posting here might be a little laggy since it's passed the point where I can post while at work. Wink 700+

Bed... It had been ages since she'd laid down on a nice, comfortable bed, and for some reason this one seemed twice as cushioned and soft as she could have ever imagined. She had moved out of her cottage in the Treetop Terrace shortly after her break up with Shawchert, had stayed about her pack's lands, and more recently was bedding down in the hay bales in d'Arte's stables. It was just when she thought about taking a look into her old book store that the place had been infiltrated (as it seemed) by some new usurper within the pack, so she begrudgingly remained living in the stables for now, despite how uncomfortable the existence was.

Of course, the fact that this bed was so nice was heightened by her state. It was surprising that it all came on so fast. Earlier she only had an inkling of the notion that it was time, but now all of a sudden all of her senses were heightened. The bed so comfortable, the house (despite all the mess) so inviting, and Mars so... without a shirt...

She barely caught sight of the bicolored man before he slipped down next to her, her eyes flying open wide when he grabbed her and pulled her close. She gasped, surprised but not angry, her visage a mixture of excitement and pleased confusion as she was pulled against him and suddenly face to face. Well, more that face to face, for in that same instant the Russo pressed up against her and took for himself – and gave to her – a deep, heartfelt kiss. At first her golden eyes flew open even wider in feigned surprise, though she couldn't deny to her subconscious that she had wanted it to happen. There was only a moment of tension before the ivory woman melted beneath Mars's hold, her own tongue lapping his muzzle before the kiss ended.

When he pulled away she was stunned, both at the kiss and that he ended it. Her amber eyes followed him as he sank back into the pillow, burying most of his face and hiding from her. A hand that had wrapped around his shoulder pulled away for a moment in her sudden uncertainty, not knowing why he had pulled back from her. He wanted it, didn't he? He began the affection and she didn't retreat, so what was the problem now? She wanted to do the typical Orin thing and fill the air with words, asking and prodding, why? But she was tongue tied and twisted, and it was probably for the better that she couldn't yet utter a word.

Golden eyes met the single icy blue, and as soon as their sights linked he said it. Her brows furrowed and for a split second it looked like she might cry, but instead her expression shifted again and she slid down to the bed next to him.

“Why haven't you ever said that before?” she asked as she wrapped an arm around him, and without fully knowing it she moved her leg so it brushed against his, her body leaning against him. There had always been a connection between the two, a connection that for some reason had never been fully acknowledged by either.

'Orin, I love you... how many times had she heard that before? From other men, never like this. Never at a time when she burned to say it back, yearned to believe it with every fiber of her being... never from someone she never thought she would hear it from.

“I love you too, Mars,” her voice caught a bit, hung up on emotion. “Why do we always have to be apart? Why has it been like this for the last... the last year? If you love me, and I love you..?”

Unconsciously, she pressed herself closer to him. Pulling emotion from the man was about as easy as pulling teeth from a shark six leagues deep. This could be the only moment spent like this, in utter honesty, and she would not waste it.

Yet even as she tried to get closer the moment changed. Her eyelids slid closed on their own accord and she took in a deep, rough breath. Letting it out smoothly, she whispered at the end of it... I want you...

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