Taste the sky

Titania Moonsong
if nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies

While her wimpy cousin took his time calming down, Titania moved to the edge of the ledge and swung her legs over, letting her feet dangle and sway. The wind was strong up here and it picked up her tight red curls and stretched them until they were straight. Whenever they reached the flatlands again her hair would be little more than a fiery tangle.

Golden eyes moved from the autumn tones of her cousin Jiva to the auburn creature that blotted the azure sky. Tobias’s flight was entrancing with the way he soared and twisted, dancing upon currents and air pockets. He was an expert at his craft and made it look effortless, like flying was no more complicated than opening your arms and floating up into heaven. So distracted she was with the sight that she didn’t even hear the small grouse of offense from her cousin about his ‘pet’.

“It’s all a safe bet as long as you don’t freeze up,” she teased and gave him a little jab in the ribs with her elbow. “If you turn into a corpse you can’t get up or down. Just look up and keep going, don’t bother looking down.” But even as she said that she leaned forward, her hair falling over her face as she took a satisfying glimpse at the ground.

“Wow… we’re really high up… Anyway,” she climbed back to her feet and clapped her hands, brushing off any dust. “Then it’s up we go!” She turned back to the rock face and grasped a formidable hold with white fingers, then reached out to Jiva with her gray hand to help him over.

“You can always hold on to my tail,” she jibed and lashed her tail playfully. “If you’re afraid of falling. Trust me, the view from the top is going to be worth it.”

Word Count :: +300

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