Shadows watching Shadows
The two assassins watched each other carefully, examining each slight movement. Shadow smiled and rushed towards him. Thanatos dodged as Shadow went for a punch to his side. It was easy to dodge; all he had to do was jump back. Shadow struck his chest and he tried to take Thanatos’ legs out from under him. He was successful but Thanatos quickly jumped up as Shadow tried to bring his knee down into him, connecting with the ground instead of Thanatos.

As Thanatos got up and Shadow was still brining his knee down, he brought his leg up into a powerful kick to Shadows abdomen. If it landed, it would probably force him back or even onto the ground since he was off balance only on one foot. He thrust his hand forward, aiming to land a punch to the side of his face as his other fist went to his stomach. They were both skilled fighters, it would be interesting to see how the fight turned out.

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