Carving Lessons
[/html] Hadley was the first among them to find the sap. He was quick to scrape it into the bowl (which worked fine as, well, a bowl) and so Claudius decided to follow suit. He walked over to the tree Hadley had found and began picking off some of the sap with his hands. He was glad to have brought his satchel, since it made it easy to carry his tools without actually carrying them at all. Once he was able to scrap off a handful, he turned to Hadley and dropped it into the bowl.

They made quick work and soon enough, the bowl was almost a third full of tree sap. Claudius didn’t think they would need any more than that, so he motioned for Hadley to stop.

“Tha-a-at’s… all we need,” he said. “We ju-u-u-ust… need… to find… an animal… since we need the a-a-animal… fat… I mean, we-e-e… might not really nee-eed… it… but since… this is my… first t-t-t-time… m-a-a-aking this… I think… I’ll… just stick to… what I remember… learning… so…” he trailed off, trying to figure out what to say next. “I nee-eed… to put… this ba-a-ag… down… want to head back… to the village? We ca-a-a-n… leave our… things in the… Great Hall… and then hu-u-u-uunt… for an… animal… and maybe… dinner,” he said with a grin. [html]

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