Say, my, name, and hiss in the same breath

C: >> wordcount: 3+

A dark shaped loomed within the dim light that spilled in from the doorway, and as pupils engorged themselves on the brittle brightness, the shape of Pandemic D'Angelo came into focus.

He had over his shoulder a strange shape, which from the mottled grey and tan fur, and the scent that curled it's way into his seeking nostrils, was a wolf. A female. Brows puckered slightly over the thin rims of acidic olive - This was unexpected. Sirius had been certain that Pandemic would eventually come declare his presence to his king; If nothing else, Larkspur or Salvia would have ensured that the hulking black male follow appropriate protocol. Perhaps Freetown had made his pack-mannerisms rusty, and that was why he had come late to show his respect to the ruler of these lands.

It was well known that the leaders of Salsola delighted in being gifted objects of value. Their attention and favor was just as easily bought as it was earned. But being gifted a life was not a usual thing, not even in the land of thistle and thorns, where morals were as twisted as the vines they grew on.

A deep voice swelled in the cool chamber, and Sirius' pricked ears took a moment to identify it as Pandemic's. The youth had grown into a man - There was much change within him. Black lips curled up at the corners, pleased with what his volatile eyes saw. Eris had not been pleased with his decision to send her son away, away to the sinful western world, so different to their own. But Sirius had been firm in his command. There was too much potential within the D'Angelo to allow it to be wasted - He had not the wit nor cunning of his sister, but rather an immense brawn, one that would perhaps become greater even than that of his father's. The choice to had Pandemic become a smithy apprentice had been an easy, if cold, one for Sirius to make.

But as he looked on the fruits of such a choice, there was no remorse in the man. It did not occur to him that the other might have missed his family, or that they in turn might have missed him - Was was such petty emotional weaknesses in comparison to what Pandemic would achieve, what he would learn? To Sirius, they were as nothing. His reptilian heart knew no other way. "Salsola welcomes you home, my dear nephew."

The woman was slumped to the floor at the foot of his throne. Sirius' eyes lingered on Pandemic's, boring into the down-turned head, his gaze cold and certain. His sister had recently shown slight rebellion, the likes of which had only been allowed due to the strange relationship she had with the King, and the immense value of her life. Pandemic would be awarded no such free reign. Sirius would not tolerate disobedience within his upper ranks - Could not, for when one was the leader of such powerful beings, any show of weakness or slack in control could easily end in death.

Finally, his gaze lowered to the poor creature on the floor. The man rose slowly, his tall, elegant form lanky and lean in comparison to the bulk of the other male. He stepped forward, large foot-paws silent as toes spread to support his weight. He stopped before the woman and crouched down, one hand aiming to gently, but firmly, clasp her jaw in it's grasp and turn her head side to side, that he might evaluate her as a man would a horse before purchase. "Where did you find this one?"

Sirius Revlis
Hail the Conqueror Worm
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