[M]Acting the part
Kit felt tired from his exertions, but doubted he would be able to sleep for a while, his mind full of emotions, and the afterglow of intimacy with Fleta. Still a little shocked over his outburst, the male was focused inward, trying to gauge if what he had said was true or not. Since their first passionate meeting, Kit had felt a desire for Fleta, but had it changed from a carnal desire to something else? Even with the prize of spilling inside of Fleta already claimed, he still felt a want to remain with her, to go on adventures, and the idea of curling up with the female on cold nights was almost as appealing as more sex.

Hearing Fleta return his words pulled Kit's thoughts back to her, but in some ways caused him to be even more unsure how to react. Thoughts of maybe running before he got too lost in her, of listening to the advice his father had always repeated constantly, it was tempting, it would satisfy his fears of what commitment to one female would entail. Fleta raising up to plant a kiss on his cheek was much more effective at chasing those thoughts away, then Kit would have expected. The fear was still somewhere in the back of Kit's mind, but he decided it couldn't hurt to see where things went, and the smile that formed on his maw would have conveyed the happiness that had returned.

"Adventures, and keeping each other warm at night... I think we make a good pair." Kit spoke happily, without the teasing that normally came with anything he said. His breath had almost returned to normal, even if the occasional shiver of pleasure raced up his spine when one of them would shift, and remind him of their union. Lifting a hand up to his neck, Kit started to awkwardly remove the necklace that he never went without, and without words moved to try placing it around Fleta's. If she did not stop his intimate gesture, Kit would lower himself to lay with Fleta, his muzzle moving to press against hers, for a longer, passionate kiss.

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