One Step Closer
That day the pygmy woman had found an old half rotted tree to take her aggression out on. Helotes had asked her to stand down in the heat of battle and though she had submitted to his request she had not been happy. Her whale bone bo sounded off the heat of her anger as it flowed through the air before thumping solidly into the moist rotting flesh of the tree. Timori had started off his morning with her but upon seeing her anger begin to flow and the fire in her eyes it didn't take him long to find another sparring partner, and rather quickly at that.

She barely stood 3 feet 6 inches but even at that height she was a deadly sight if anyone took the time to actually pay her heed. She was not a warrior of the clan and she doubted she ever would be. This morning as the sun climbed higher she finally began to slow in her paces as she could feel the sweat running through her mane and along the curves of her form. She had been about to take another swing when a flash of white caught her attention.

Zana had not seen the albino raindeer often and when she turned away from her task that morning she was rather curious as to what the clan mate she had found was up to. She shook the sweat from her fur as she slowly approached the male. "Hey..." she realized she did not know the fellows name, which was strange for her. She frowned a moment before adding. "What's your name.." she felt fair foolish, but the knowledge was worth having.

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