that crown don't make you a prince
She waited, staring impassively, as her control started to get greater and her fury started to ebb away. It seemed like an eternity, but things were at least getting easier bit by bit for her. Finally, the wolf just stepped away and left. Nikita’s olive eyes were on her until she knew that she was leaving the territory — she couldn’t think of any reason why the wolf would deceive her, just to run around on land that really wasn’t that amazingly interesting (in comparison with the rest of the lands) anyway. Once she had lost sight of the wolf, she sighed. Tension released from her body, making it almost physically snap like a bowstring. She lowered herself to the ground, placing a forepaw over her muzzle. She ground her teeth and wrenched her eyes shut — her dark army green bandanna fell over them, putting her in the darkness for a bit.

While she could have been furious at the wolf for being so indignant on their claimed lands, she felt more angry with herself for losing it like that. She hadn’t snapped in so long, she had thought she had gotten over it. Working over the anger and disappointment she felt within her, she eventually allowed her body to start to morph. Muscles grew and retracted, sliding and meshing with bones that snapped and crackled to give way for an entirely different skeletal structure. Nerves realigned, making the process uncomfortable but not as painful as it once had been. Moments later, she was sitting on the ground, readjusting her bandanna so that it wasn’t covering her eyes. After that, Nikita sat there for a moment, regaining her grip on things. When she felt healthy enough to go on, she stood, heaved a shuddering sigh, and walked back to camp. Along the way, she wiped the blood from her narrow mouth with the back of her hand.

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