[M]Teacher and Student
every memory that I hold

were all just scars in the making

Word Count → 266 :: She keeps asking allll the questions. >__>

The copper she-yote seemed happy at the news, smiling slightly at her introduction. It was odd interacting with a stranger so warmly, although Vesper considered her little scouts almost like nieces and nephews. By extension, Aeron was blood of her blood although cold caves and crows ran through her veins now. It was a pity that she was no longer of Inferni; she looked like she would have been formidable, especially as a former Hydra.

Smirking, Aeron stated that she was a cold-blooded killer who didn’t belong in the fire clan. It surprised the younger coywolf, whose good ear perked up before a frown overtook her lean face. There were some in the clan that seemed they would kill mercilessly—or kill wolves mercilessly. She knew that not everyone agreed with the way Inferni worked, with its members, but it must have really been different for Aeron to abandon her daughters. She was only glad that she hadn’t stolen the pups away with her to her new pack, depending on how old they had been when she left. It wasn’t easy leaving a place you knew.

“Where you came from,” Vesper echoed, looking the other over curiously—her dark cloak, her scars, her muscles and curves and molten-gold eyes. Her naïve heart thumped a little quick beat in her chest, but she pushed it out of her mind. If she was entranced by every mysterious woman she met, she would’ve been dead already. “What was that like?” she asked, her voice softer. She knew she was likely treading on dangerous ground, bringing up such private questions.

Vesper Optime by Nat; table code from the Mentors!

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