Feed the Youth
His tail wagged behind him at her touch, a soft nuzzling sensation that assured him everything was right in the world. She was happy, and safe, and the pups were healthy and growing. Everything else didn't matter. When he returned to his pack he would certainly care about them again, working on feeding and protecting them, but right now Kiara was what mattered, and the small bundles of life that she had growing inside the den. He listened as Kiara spoke, agreeing on their troublesome nature. Hopefully someone would help her as they got older. It looked like Kiara was straining at her limits, or pretty close to them.

He nodded his head as the names were given. Lucia and Kohaku. Kohaku was definitely a name from up north, as his pack had similar names, if not the exact kind. Lucia was pretty as well, if not ringing with that same solid familiarity. They are beautiful children. Tharin made sure he didn't look like a threat while saying this, no longing to see the pups in his voice, simply stating a fact instead of the words of someone preparing to move closer. While Tharin would love to get closer to the pups, he knew that it was much more important to keep his distance and let them bond with their mother, safe, than to see them himself.

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