sharpen up your teeth


Ithiel is by Kitty!

There was danger in this situation -- Ithiel's very life was at stake, along with any of his fellow clanmates fighting alongside him. The dusky-furred man, however, was grinning, a broad and almost silly grin across his muzzle. It was a fierce sort of look, and his deep ruby eyes glittered with anticipation as he road down toward the archer, goading Lystra to her fastest. He saw the other man still struggling to reload the crossbow, and Ithiel drew another arrow of his own, aiming for the wolf's chest. He fired, but the wolf jerked forward in the saddle and the arrow sailed harmlessly past. The crossbow was dropped, connected to the wolf by some kind of rope or strap, and a bow much like Ithiel's own was brought around, loaded much quicker than the hefty crossbow.

The man loaded his arrow and fired. Its metal head struck Ithiel in the shoulder -- the right, with the thick coverlet. It twanged harmlessly to the side, and the dusky wolf had his own arrow up then. His opponent was reloaded, as well -- they fired almost simultaneously, with the wolf's only a moment later than Ithiel's. This time, Ithiel's arrow stuck in the horse's flank, and the animal reared, screaming its pain hoarsely. The rider cursed audibly, but Ithiel, too, was hit: this arrow stuck into the leather across his shoulder, its progress into flesh delayed but not altogether prevented. The dark man grimaced and snapped the arrow off with his free hand, wincing as he reached to pull his own arrow out. He stopped as he saw their path -- Lystra ran unbidden now, charging for the man's horse with fire in her eyes.

They were running and Lystra was chasing after him, drawn further away from the fight. The archer's mount was faster than Ithiel's own, but the injury slowed the horse, too, and Lystra's teeth soon grazed the horse's shoulders as they ran almost neck and neck. Ithiel swung for his opponent, dagger in his hand, still grinning.

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