[aw] sing to the death rattle

(424) Since we dateplayed I'mma ignore attackers stuff from previous post without editing it because fuck continuity, that's why. c;

Draugr is by me!

Pale lavender eyes appraised the expanse of Drifter Bay. It was pretty and smelled of spring, but Draugr was glad Salsola's claim stopped where it did. She had yet to fully and thoroughly explore these new parts of the territory, but what she had seen so far was pretty: low-slung cottages, slowly falling to ruin beside a pair of sprawling farmhouses, their sturdy brick structure a testament against the ravages of time. To be sure, there was rot and rust and mold within them, but at least they were structurally intact, rather unlike the half-collapsed cottages Draugr had seen otherwise.

The dark-hued girl cared only for the expansion because it had expanded the areas in which she felt safe and permitted to do as she liked. Draugr had not ventured from Salsola since she had made it her home along with mama Siv; even when her mother journeyed beyond the borders of the pack, Draugr remained behind. It was not as if the outside world frightened her: she had come from the outside world, and had, in fact, come into the outside world from her mother's womb. Salsola was more of a priority, however. It was a new system for her to figure out, with strange customs and stranger canines within. She did not understand her own pack.

This was not as harrowing to the youth as it might have sounded. She was confident in her ability to crack open the pack and learn its ways, but doing so required an adult's mind. She was almost an adult -- wasn't she? She had come to understand more and more about her pack as she aged, of course, but she still felt as if she was missing that final piece of understanding. It was frustrating, but in a way that was almost pleasurable. Like a puzzle, she murmured quietly, deep in thought.

The dark youth had not heard the approach of her packmate, and was rather startled by it -- she had been peering toward the marshes, expecting an approach from this direction, if any. Though she flinced visibly, her lavender eyes were quick to perceive Artemisia, and she offered an apologetic smile to the woman, dipping her head in further apology. Though they were the same rank, Draugr felt she ought to show respect to Artemisia by virtue of her birth: she was daughter of a leader, while Draugr's mother was only Family.

Hello, Artemisia, the dark youth said, smiling. I'm sorry, I was startled, she explained.

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