[m] [p] the devil's in my coat
Kit had felt Molcaxitl's struggles, threatening to make him feel guilty, but the slave was well controlled by her master, and had become compliant before the male had second thoughts. Mixing the taste of both Molca, and Eris was a pleasant sensation, even if the dark female had pulled away from the sensual licks. Like a carrot on the end of a stick, Eris managed to remind Kit that it was a performance, that mixed with the carnal pleasures would be a test to see if he got her as well.

Always ready for a challenge, Kit did his best to put on a good show, his muzzle moving back to lick affectionately at Molca's neck, even as he forced himself inside of the slave that went rigid at their union. Pleasure rippled up through Kit's body, his eyes closing slightly, but the fear smell still crept into an otherwise delicious experience. Pausing only a moment, Kit began an instinctive back and forth movement with his hips, while his hands moved downward in a quest to try getting the slave to hook her leg around him so the angle was better for himself.

In the midst of having his way, Kit continued his own little challenge of trying to soothe the slave, even while Eris seemed intent to make her suffer. Kit ignored the display, aside from noting the potential smooth lines that he wanted to use later. Eris was her master, and it wasn't exactly his place to tell her how to treat the female. "She is right you know, enjoy this. Let someone love you." Kit added, his words interrupted at points by his breathing that was growing heavier as the moments passed. At the same time a second hand, the one not trying to hook Molca's leg around himself, was sent on a quest to try exploring Eris's flank, possibly even to tease at the treasure Kit hoped to claim along with Molca's.

If nothing changed, and Kit continued to feel himself enveloped by Molca's body, his own would start to react, the tension rising as the prelude to what was to come. Thrusts that started exceptionally gentle, slowly transformed into quicker movements, spurred on by Kit's growing lust. "This may hurt, a little, it helps if you relax." Kit would warn between breaths, a signal that he would likely tie with Molca soon after.

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