seven years bad luck
Backdated to the 29th, midnight time? Haku can go apeshit on her for all the slutting she's done now. Don't worry about reply time and all that. Powerplayed that Haku brought her back to the packlands after Conri had left her there on the beach.

Firefly had no idea how she'd come to be in the lands, she knew where she was though, this was home, or atleast as close to a home as she had in these lands of her birth. Her eyes were glazed over with pain as she openned them a slit then closed them slowly. She knew she was being carried but she couldn't remember anyone having spoken to her since the strange hybrid had turned in that instant, their passion turned to fury in the beat of a heart. Somewhere in the back of her mind she could hear that voice telling her she deserved this, that she should be laying waiting for death on the beach.. even though she knew her wounds weren't that horrid. She whimpered and turned her head back towards the comfort of the warm chest that had transported her all the way from the shores of her mother's packlands to Dahlia de Mai's own lands.

Her mind was beginning to make sense of it all as she recognized the scent that encompassed her. She almost wanted to weep as she realized who was dragging her sorry ass back to the packlands. Haku. Of all the wolves out there it had to be her partner in crime, her lover, the dark and mysterious danger that she fit so neatly together with.. he had to have been the one to have found her. She didn't even want to wander how much he'd come to understand as he'd carried her limp body back to their lands. She knew somehow that she'd failed, yet she didn't know how badly, she had no clue of what storms she'd unleased with her wreckless love of the dark mirror.

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