yo ho ho, & a bottle of rum.
Ack! Somehow missed this, sorry. :x

!@#$%Some sort of annoyance pulsed through him, but it was outrageous disbelief, more so than outright rage. She called him a coyote. How was this in any way accurate? "Open your damn eyes," he spat. "I'm more wolf than coyote; get it right." Filthy hybrid he was used to, but he couldn't comprehend how she could possibly identify him as the species that comprised less than a quarter of his blood. He barely even looked like a coyote, and he knew around here that even half coyotes could be accepted into wolf packs. Where was the sense in it?

!@#$%His fists clenched into balls at his side, and he offered her a glare unlike any other before whirling about and beginning to stalk away. He climbed up a ladder to the main deck of the ship, then hoisted himself over the side. He dropped to the ground and landed on all fours, as his legs bent to absorb the impact. He now rose to his full height. Anselm had every intention of leaving, but unfortunately... the seas had other plans. The waves of adrenaline gradually subsided as he realised he was facing an unbeatable foe--gravity.

!@#$%He dropped down to the ground and sat there, staring in disbelief at the waterlogged entrance. No! He couldn't accept this. He refused to be stuck here with that female. Had she even followed him? He wasn't sure. Moving forward quickly, he dove into the water and began to look around. The saline water burned his eyes, but he still saw that it had gotten deeper than he might have originally guessed. He came back up to the surface inside the cave, shook his head off, and glared around. Perfect.

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