
Kam was used to such opinions. She had been ridiculed for liking the human artifacts more than once in her short one year of life, and she had learned that some simply did not like the things that had been left behind. It was a bit disappointing to know that not everybody appreciated them, but she had learned to live with it. “I suppose it is unnatural. But it was built by natural beings, so it can’t be that unnatural, can it?” she asked, attempting to bring some kind of logic into her side. While she was far from a good debater, she did try and shed some light on why she thought the way that she did.

Then again, there was always the argument as to whether or not the humans were really natural. They had changed so much of the earth, often making it less livable even to themselves, without even considering the consequences. They dumped terrible things into the world and did not even seem to care. Eventually, nature found a way to reverse the situation, but Kampala had a feeling that the humans would have kept on doing all those terrible things if nature had not intervened. Still, though, they had fought nature, and that alone took some serious courage. She wondered if the Luperci would ever attempt to do the same things that the humans had. In a sense, they were already working their way toward the same fate.


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