cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war


The adrenaline was starting to fade from her veins, and her movements were becoming slower and more clumsy. Pain shot out from her shoulder and hip, causing her already erratic movement to become blundering. Her head felt almost as if it was floating above her while she was running. Running necessitated that more blood be pumped into her limbs, and so unfortunately led to more blood loss through her open wounds. If Alma were capable of coherent thought at that moment, she would have wondered how much longer she was going to last.

The sound of hooves filled her ears - this time, however, it was in front of her. The horse that approached her was a different color than the one that had been following. For a moment, Alma panicked, thinking the wolves had outsmarted her by teaming up to attack her. Then instinct kicked in and she dived below the boughs of an evergreen tree, before the horse or its rider had noticed her.

The sound of both horses faded, leaving behind only the rustle of leaves and the occasional twitter of a songbird. She still did not feel it was safe enough to come out just yet - and her body was still protesting from her exertion. Everything hurt. She didn't want to move, or walk all the way back to the mansion. She considered just lying there with the hope that someone would find her and rescue her, but then realized that she might not be the only that needed rescuing.

With a grunt, the coyote pulled herself up, using the knife in her hand for support. She peeked her head out from beneath the tree. The air smelled distinctly of blood and horses, but she could see neither - well, aside from her own wounds. She crawled out. Her eyes scanned the surroundings for something familiar. This was difficult, in her lightheaded state.

Alma stood up and stumbled in the direction she thought the mansion was in. Her pace was slow after so much running. Inwardly, she thought she should move faster - because who knew what had happened to the rest of the clan - but she could not make herself. She was exhausted, and wanted nothing more than to sleep.

At some point along her trip, she plucked a few leaves from a tree and placed them over her wounds in an attempt to stop her bleeding. It was a little too late for that, because it was already starting to clot on its own.

Two familiar shapes appeared in her vision. One was on horseback, while the other was standing alone. She waved in their direction, quite relived to find that both of them were alive, if wounded.

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