my voice upraised to wild swept chords
Pia's ears twisted, hanging onto his words as he spoke. It was an odd feeling, knowing that her full attention was on him. He suddenly felt like he was performing, the soft words not enough for the wolf before him. Her words were surprisingly solemn, genuine emotion in her words. Pia wanted to know about where he came from, something that filled Tharin with a mix of sorrow and pride. He loved the north where he came from, was proud to have called it home. Tharin couldn't return though, a heavy burden that he could only hope would lessen with time.

The mischievous way she spoke the next part brought a good natured growl from Tharin. Cooped up? I'm not cooped up! We have plenty of land to explore and hunt in. I still have lots to see in here. I'll leave after I can name every stone. His tail wagged behind him, Tharin absently arching his tail with pride over his new home. He stepped over the border, coming closer to where the childish female laid. I come from the north. It's very flat there, and there's usually snow, if only in small distanced patches at times. You can see everything, and run without a need to stop for days. His eyes glowed as he spoke, back where he came from.

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