[M]Nightmare's Call
Idly the trader leaned back, examining her claws. They looked sharp still. There was a slight caking of blood under one that she rapidly got rid of, scraping away. That was better. Now she looked properly dignified, a beautiful green and blue gem necklace dipping down to rest on her chest. Her hair was carefully gathered up, and she knew that she looked the proper part of a visitor coming to the pack. As expected, Kiara was prompt in answering her call. She had expected no less from what had become her favorite toy. The wolf was always so vulnerable, no matter how many times the lesson to fear Amy was drilled into her head.

A broad smile filled her face at the sight of the angry wolf. Hackles were raised high, tail alert. The warning was clear, to get out. Unfortunately, Kiara was not the one in charge. Amy was. She looked over the ragged coat, ears raised. It looked like something had sunk in, with the distance between them. That's a nice greeting. I come all the way out here to see you and you tell me to leave. Kiara, I thought we were closer than that. She lifted her head, sniffing the air. A flash of emotion ran across Amy's face. Anger, despair, it was hard to tell what it was. Pups. Kiara's pups were healthy and alive, while hers were dead. An even more sleek voice came out now. How are the puppies doing? Growing well I hope?

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