april showers
Rain was coming down on this day. She'd traveled a short way south, deciding to see if she could stop by the court pack she'd traded with before. Granted, she'd ended up attempting to kill a member, only to find out that she had survived and have her attempt to kill Amy. The pack was a good one though, one Amy was eager to involve herself with. She would learn what she could about it, bringing the trade that she had gained back. This was only a short trip right now though, not planning on going too far and returning before long. Right now she had things to do that were more important, such as regaining her standing and proving that she wasn't as low as they had mistaken her as being. She didn't like submitting, and would get out of that situation as quickly as she could.

Rain poured down, making Amy glad that she had ditched her two legged form, hating the idea of her clothes being ruined by the rain. Amy had just been planning on bathing in her lupine form when the rain came down. It had felt nice, if thick in the air. It was difficult to see, so Amy had decided to wait out the storm where she was, confident that she could handle the small downpour. It saved her the effort of finding a stream to wash in as well, the rain cleaning her wounds and washing away the blood. In the midst of this Amy had a vision. Her youngest son, the one she had killed, was running towards her, almost an adult. Her jaw dropped, wondering what was going on. Hello?

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