God gave me you for the ups and downs.

Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,

Shadow kept the smile on his face and he stared into those beautiful eyes of Insomnia and was long in a dream, had she felt like him? Was she thinking the same things he was? Shadows tail flicked and he heard Insomnias words." come at me" Shadow growled in response and using his skills of the assassin darted forward faster than most would be able to react to and he jumped over her and the moment he landed he clamped his teeth onto her tail and pulled lightly as he growled still with a smile on his face. He caught her scent and as he tugged a little he gave a whine to her, asking and wanting her to come at him as well. His tail rushed behind him as if trying to fan off a flame that could have been on his tail. He looked to her eyes again and was lost once more. Love, passion, lust, kindness, friendship and beauty. These were only little peaces of what made of those eyes, that body, and that scent. He loved her, adored her, and both needed and wanted her with every fiber of his being. Pain, pleasure, strength and weakness. All these things made up life but while with her, none of it mattered. Only she did, only she mattered. His heart fluttered within his chest and his muscles moved lightly as if everything about him scream to Insomnia, his angel, his soul. Life was but a beginning and a end but with her there was only time.

but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

OOC: <3
WC: <3

template by revo. <3


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