Let me Introduce myself, Mature

OOC here!

A brief smile flickered across her face, again making it difficult to stay still. He really needed to run this off as soon as possible if he didn't want to cause trouble. She was so beautiful, and she smelled so good! Tharin knew that it was her scent causing this, as he wouldn't be thinking about this otherwise. He was nowhere near ready for such things, still recovering from Akira's death and working on the idea that luperci existed. The way that she drooped down at his words brought another whine, again bringing him close.

The low ears had him coming close, tail high as he took on a more protective stance. This was his pack, he would care for those in it. Tharin. It's a fairly common name where I come from. He grinned, tail wagging slightly. He certainly was a long way from home. He blinked as blue eyes met his, noticing small brown flecks in it. It was really distracting, how close they were. His instincts screamed that it wasn't a challenge but an invitation, and it took all he had to not jump her right then. Fish...right, that sounds good. We can catch some fish. He turned down to the water, trying to ignore how close they were now, studying the water for movement.

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