[M] A Dark Night
Shadows ears picked up movement near by and his eyes traveled quickly to see a sand colored wolf walking towards them. Shadow was about to warm the wolf to back away but then it bowed and began to talk about who it was and that he had been traveling far and had smelled meat. Shadow didn't pick up anything odd from the wolf and there were no lies, at least yet. Shadow watched the man move closer and standing in front of them as he complimented him and his love Insomnia. Shadow was slightly annoyed that this wolf appeared but the kind words made it a little better even though he still wanted to be with Insomnia alone and with no one around. Shadows ears Perked at the mention of the handsome man wanting to know Shadows and Insomnias names.

Shadow nodded lightly and then spoke kindly as he kept his right arm around Insomnia feeling a strange need to protect her all of a sudden as if this man wanted more than just there food. My name is Shadowfang, you can call me Shadow and this is my mate and love Insomnia. You just so happen to catch us at the beginning of our date, for the two of us.

Shadow paused letting the part about how it was a date sing into the strangers head and then he continued. We don't have much since I had only prepared enough for me and her but if Insomnia doesn't mind then we can give you some and I'll just give you mine, I'm happy just being here with her. Shadow found himself repeatably saying how she was his and they were together and it was odd. Shadow actually smiled as he thought about what would happen if this wolf came to try and take his mate from him...Shadow chuckled lightly out loud but kept the joke to himself, If shadow wanted to he could break the man in half.

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