Stranger days

Sorry for the wait =\

Deuce must be extremely talented, he decided, since with her around his demonstration of skill hadn't landed him in any kind of healer rank. It was just as well, he didn't need the distraction of heavy responsibility. At her words, he smiled, despite the chain of thought it started. He liked Iskata, it was a shame he wouldn't be around long enough to see where the relationship went. In a separate life, he could get used to being this role he was playing now, the unaccomplished, easy-going lummox who spent all his time at the beach. The truth was unwanted sometimes, but responsibilities were responsibilities, and there would be no running away from them just yet.

"Puppies?" he asked, surprised. He didn't understand where that comment had come from. Though she couldn't have known that Soro was male, the fact that he'd said it was his cousin shouldn't have incited such a statement. "There shouldn't be any worry about that, Iskata. He and I go way back, and he doesn't seem the type to settle down, especially since we've been here for such a short time. I'll talk to him about my intentions, and he about his, and we'll figure out if we're parting ways, or if he's going to linger here. Then I'll come right back. Only a day's discussion, no more, I expect."

That was, unless Soro already had things set up, in which case he would regretfully need to leave. If his cousin had found their target and formulated a plan of action in his absence, it was important that he be ready to move out. He would be remorseful if he didn't have the opportunity to return. Nevertheless, he expected Soro to be much more careful after the accident, the chance that he already had things worked out was unlikely.


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