Keep this Secret
Ooc[Words: 303 :: Points: 3]

Axelle Napier
I don't want to touch the sky

I just want to feel that high

Axelle scrutinized the trap, now realizing that Terra wouldn’t tell her anything directly. She was definitely on her own to see what to do, and what she picked up from what was in front of her so far was that either it was just a hole or contraption with certain things to trick the prey into being stuck, either physically or mentally. She noted that this one before her had those attributes as well, only without the deep, dark hole. This one had an actual snare; the tree branch that would be used to entangle around an ankle or other limb would cause the animal, or whatever it was, to fall and then be stuck without an obvious escape route.

She was greatly intrigued by Terra’s cunning, and smiled maliciously while she examined the snare further. The little twists in the branches seemed to be the key to the trap. They were thin, and didn’t look like they would hold- but looks were often deceiving. They seemed to be the key to the loosening of the trap, but what about whatever made it tighter around the victim’s limb? A few more seconds of looking around the thing made it obvious and gave her the answer. It did both.

After a good five minutes of examining and walking around her end of the trap, she could see exactly how Terra had done it. She had two types of traps down: the pitfall and the snare. ”Okay, I think I got these down pretty good. Are there any others you can show me?” She was sure there were many others, but if Terra could just educate her on the most basic types then she would be able to take the information and run with it., and then eventually be able to make her own adjustments.

but you refuse to lift me

[ template by revo. <3 ]

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