sharpen up your teeth


Ithiel is by me!

The dusky-furred coyote swung and the wolf jerked out of his reach, sliding almost out of his saddle as he stood in the stirrups to avoid Ithiel's slice. Just as quickly, the wolf was bringing his own knife into the fray, slashing downward and toward the Caelum's face. Ithiel could not move out of the way; the momentum of his first strike drove him forward. The wolf slashed at his face and a thin line of blood appeared against his muzzle. The drab coyote righted himself in his saddle, lips drawn back into a snarl.

The wolf's horse gave a shriek and threw his shoulder into Lystra, and the big horse toppled, already weakened by her injury. The dusky coyote felt what was happening and shouted his frustration wordlessly, scrambling to free himself from the saddle as his horse fell. He landed and rolled, one of his legs giving out beneath him as he did so. The shoulder that had taken the arrow slammed against the ground and the world exploded in red-hot pain. The dust-colored coyote lifted his head, lips still drawn in a pained snarl, and watched as the wolf and horse carried on.

Lystra struggled beside him, rolling and finally standing again. Her sides heaved and the whites of her eyes still showed, along with a frothing sweat that had broken out along her shoulders and flanks. The hybrid stood slowly, grasping onto her dangling reigns to help pull himself up. He bit back a gasp of pain as he put weight on the leg that had given out on his leap, and leaned heavily on his horse, even as she trembled. Her pale brown eyes watched where horse and rider had last been, as if expecting them to turn around.

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