it kicks and it kicks like a pony


Out of character text here.

Hadley's sleep was restless. It wasn't from nightmares, those long since passed for the most part, though he did have the occasional one that had him bolting up with fear, eyes searching for the demon that he knew was there. His restless sleep was due to Isa's scent this time round though. Her sweet scent tormenting him, sending dreams of hot tumbles, passionate nights. The worst problem was that the one in his dreams wasn't Isa, but Selene. He still loved her, even knowing that being with her would do nothing but cause her more pain.

Moving out of the room Hadley was careful not to disturb Isa. It would have been easier sleeping under the bed, but Isa was pretty insistent about him being up there with her, and turning her down when she smelled like that was impossible. He needed to clear his head after those dreams though, feeling guilty that he was pretending to love her when he truly didn't. It was easier right now, his head completely obsessed with making sure no other males got anywhere near her. It would get harder after that.

He moved out to where the rising sun filtered through the court, a golden finger softly coloring everything. It was a good morning. Hadley stiffened as he noted the slim back of a female. Her body, it was so similar. It couldn't really be. Could it? Selene? Stepping closer he sniffed. No, that wasn't her. That was a relief. The flood of joy, fear, and guilt abated, knowing that she hadn't returned to the pack. Sorry. Thought you were someone else. I'm Hadley.

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