Waking up with the D[aw]n

OOC: Don’t let Zalen scare you off! Big Grin

Zalen heard the call, and recognized the lilt in the voice to be not one of a wolf. It was a dog calling, and this made Zalen uneasy. Therefore, he ran at a brisk pace towards the borders, once again occupying his two-legged form but using it as should be intended; on all fours.

It was not long before he reached the stranger, and was immediately put on edge. There was a cart, and a horse, and a male dog. All these things made Zalen wary and perturbed, and his fur bristled as he neared. He face did not show any emotion yet, for despite the human nature of this guest, there was nothing that set him into a rage like the last time a dog and cart had arrived. The golden female dog that had come before, she had been a trader he had learned, and one of her trades was in slaves.

But this was different; Zalen was not accosted by the smells of spices, herbs and farm animals, and the cart had a scene painted on it. The call had also been friendly; so Zalen’s curiosity was sparked, "Hello, stranger." Zalen said lifting his head, nearly coming to eye height with the horse, "I am Zalen, Alpha of these lands. What business do you have here?" His voice was a little harsher then he had intended, but he was still wary of what this dog wanted.


WC: 239

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